
What is Kinstretch?

KINSTRETCH: A movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility and USABLE ranges of motion.

It is a mobility class designed around improving body control and optimum joint health. These are the essential foundations of any human performing any physical activity effectively while mitigating the risk for injury.

What Do I Need to Start?

A lot of the classes will be ground based, therefore, a yoga mat or something comfortable to be on is recommended. Other objects like yoga block, pillows, pvc pipe, or something sturdy to support your self or to extend your reach to the ground is also recommended. After that, you really don’t need anything else besides an open mind and solid work ethic! If any other props besides the aforementioned are used in a class, they will be noted in the text.

Also, just because a weight is used in class doesn't mean you HAVE to use it. It is simply a recommendation to progress the class.

How Are the Classes Designed?

The classes will be tailored to what I believe the average human being needs to training to improve their quality of life. That being said, I will include in the classes and the group how to progress or regress the nature of the classes according to where you are at experience wise. One of the great things about the online class format is that there is no one there by your side to feel judged by or to feel the need to compete against. People shouldn’t do that anyway! However, that means this experience can truly be YOU vs. YOU and that is the most important competition you will ever have. This Kinstretch experience can therefore truly progress by your timeline and no one else’s.

That being said, that is why the assessment prior to the classes is so important in helping you navigate the classes to fit your needs sincec they are designed for the "general" human.

How Many Classes Should I Do Each Week? Do I Take All of the Classes?

My plan was to give everyone many options to be exposed to this type of training. For many of you, Kinstretch will be a completely new thought process and training style.

You are going to have to look at your daily life, hobbies, sports, family time, etc. and first find how much time you have to dedicate to training. You will have to see how many of those other activities are also physically stressing because too much exercise can lead to stress overload.

What we are aiming for here is the minimum effective dose of training to help you reach your goals and improve your health!

The movement assessment will dictate your individual priorities. For example, if you found out your hip doesn't move as well as you thought it should then you want to tackle the hip based classes as a priority. But, that doesn't mean the other classes are not beneficial!

Initially, you begin with 2 classes and each week 2 more classes get added to your list. This allows you to get a taste for different aspects of class while navigating your personal needs. At the end of 6 weeks you compile all 12 classes that you get to keep for life!

My advice: write down the movement priorities for your life or sport and the priorities dictated by the assessment. Pick 1-2 classes based around those priorities and do them 1-2x per week.

As you progress, the intensity will have to increase to reap the benefits from the classes. That is the Progressive Overload Principle of human adaptation or change. Which means you might have to start doing that hip class 2x per week instead of 1x every other week if you are starting to plateau. That also means you might have to add weight to the exercise if you've been doing it for 3 weeks unweighted, etc.

And if you have any questions, you can always shoot me a message! :)

What if I am hurt or injured currently?

Kinstretch was NEVER intended to replace the scope or practice of a medical professional. This class is not intended to treat or diagnose pain or injury. You will learn a lot about your body and its limitations through the class’s detailed nature, but if you are hurt, you are to see your medical professional for clearance to exercise first just as you would before any other physical activity.

How does Kinstretch fit into my current lifestyle and training?

It depends…which will be the answer you receive from me often because that is the 100% truth.

You as a human with a life of your own, job, relationships, other hobbies, other training sessions, etc. are too complex to prescribe “3 sets x 15 reps, 2x/week” to. That’s disrespectful to the nature of you.

This will be intelligent trial and error. If you are new to training or unsure about how to balance everything, start small and work up. Try 1x/week for the first month and see how it goes. For the majority of people, 1-2x/week training at the relative intensity that I will be asking of you in classes will probably do the trick. But, the answer will only come with personal investigation and is subjectt o change just as you are subject to change as your progress through life.

This is a process not a prescription. Enjoy the ride!